Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/2952 Titel K.E. Biezeveld (Kune) Subject Dogmatiek Vrouwenstudies Date 2008-09-07 Type Promotie Identifier 2952 Date Valid 1996 Date Available n/a Date Modified 2008-09-07 Date Accepted n/a Date Submitted 2002-05-21 Handle 1655219 Identifier 072823348 Gender Vrouw Nickname Kune FirstName K.E. FamilyName Biezeveld Birthday 1948-04-13 Place of birth Den Haag Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Godgeleerdheid Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Splinter and image: the prohibition of images in classical and feminist theology Research areas Spreken over God als vader. Hoe kan het anders? Subject area of Dogmatiek, Vrouwenstudies Date/time 1948-04-13 Department or school name within institution Godgeleerdheid Description Studie: Theologie HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 76564376 Supplemental information Overleden Teaching overview Dogmatic theologie and womenstudies theologie --