Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/2827 Titel Dixon Miles Woodbury Subject Farmacologie Date 1991-07-29 Type Promotie Identifier 2827 Date Valid 1948 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 1968-06-28 Date Submitted n/a Identifier 067606814 Gender Man FirstName Dixon Miles FamilyName Woodbury Birthday 1921-08-06 Place of birth St. George Place of death Bountiful Country of birth USA Country of death USA Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Berkeley Proceedings n/a Research areas The effects of external environment, temperature, and glucose on the permeability of cat erythrocytes to radioactive sodium and potassium in vitro Subject area of Farmacologie Date/time 1921-08-06 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description Buitengwoon Hoogleraar voor het tijdvak van 1968-07-01 t/m 1968-12-31 HR job title Buitengewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 3766446 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Toegepaste farmacologie (Boerhaaveleerstoel) --