Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/677 Titel Abraham Johannes Drewes Subject Oosterse Talen Date 2007-10-19 Type Promotie Identifier 677 Date Valid 1962 Date Available 1968-10-01 Date Modified 1992-08 Date Accepted 1968-09-02 Date Submitted 1969-02-28 Identifier 089388011 Gender Man FirstName Abraham Johannes FamilyName Drewes Birthday 1927-07-18 Place of birth Batavia Country of birth Nederlands-Indië Country of death Nederland Assigned by Letteren Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Erpenius over werkwoorden Research areas Inscriptions de l'Éthiopie antique / [publ. en facs. avec introd., transcr., trad. et commentaire Subject area of Oosterse Talen Date/time 1927-07-18 Department or school name within institution Letteren Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 56665009 Supplemental information Eervol onstlag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Zuid-Semitische taal- en letterkunde en inleiding tot de Semitische taalkunde --