Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3637 Titel Johan Kuiper Subject Farmacologie Type Promotie Identifier 3637 Date Valid 1989 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted n/a Date Submitted n/a Identifier 074210327 Gender Man FirstName Johan FamilyName Kuiper Birthday 1959-04-05 Assigned by Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Research areas Cellular communication between parenchymal, Kupffer and endothelial liver cells Subject area of Farmacologie Date/time 1959-04-05 Department or school name within institution Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen Description n/a HR job title - Identifier 189972539 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Therapeutic Immunomodulation --