Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/1740 Titel Georges Raymond Mohn Subject Oncologie Type Promotie Identifier 1740 Date Valid 1966 Date Available 1986-01-02 Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 1985-11-19 Date Submitted 1986-11-04 Handle 1655130 Identifier 147627532 Gender Man FirstName Georges Raymond FamilyName Mohn Birthday 1942-01-29 Place of birth Toutry Country of birth Frankrijk Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Frankfurt am Main Proceedings Genes mutations and cancer Research areas Einfluß des genetischen Hintergrundes auf spontane und chemisch induzierte Mutabilita¨t bei Escherichia coli Subject area of Oncologie Date/time 1942-01-29 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description Bijzonder Hoogleraar vanwege het Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 281652567 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Cellulaire mutatiegenetica --