Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3130 Titel Petrus Jacobus Maria Nas (Peter) Subject Aziatische Talen en Culturen Culturele Antropologie Type Promotie Identifier 3130 Date Valid 1976 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2003-09-01 Date Submitted 2004-01-13 Handle 1582069 Identifier 068247346 Gender Man Nickname Peter FirstName Petrus Jacobus Maria FamilyName Nas Birthday 1944-09-12 Place of birth Nijmegen Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Letteren Governing authority Leiden Proceedings The soul of the city: Urban symbolism in Indonesia Research areas Stedenverdelingen, nationale ontwikkeling en afhankelijkheid: een komparatief-kwantitatieve benadering Subject area of Aziatische Talen en Culturen, Culturele Antropologie Date/time 1944-09-12 Department or school name within institution Letteren Description Studie: Niet-Westerse Sociologie HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 73874039 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Social cultural aspects of the urban environment in Indonesia --