Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3943 Titel Amy C. Verdun Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3943 Date Valid 1995 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2018-07-01 Date Submitted n/a Identifier 274608642 Gender Vrouw FirstName Amy C. FamilyName Verdun Birthday 1968-12-27 Place of birth Den Haag Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Sociologie Governing authority European University Institute, Florence Proceedings n/a Research areas Europe's struggle with the global political economy : a study of how EMU is perceived by actors in the policy-making process in Britain, France and Germany Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1968-12-27 Department or school name within institution Sociologie Description Eerder Jean Monnet Chair (ad personam) en Professor of Political Science, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 116943244 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Europese Politiek en Politieke Economie -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3860 Titel Isabelle G.B.M. Duijvesteijn Subject Geschiedenis Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3860 Date Valid 2002 Date Available n/a n/a Date Modified n/a n/a Date Accepted n/a n/a Date Submitted 1905-07-05 n/a Identifier 224211889 Gender Vrouw FirstName Isabelle G.B.M. FamilyName Duijvesteijn Birthday 1972-10-17 Assigned by Geesteswetenschappen Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Londen Proceedings Strategisch analfabetisme : de kunst van strategisch denken in moderne militaire operaties n/a Subject area of Geschiedenis Politicologie Date/time 1972-10-17 Department or school name within institution Geesteswetenschappen Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 118894013 Supplemental information n/a n/a Teaching overview International Studies and Global History Strategic Studies -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3824 Titel Daniel Charles Thomas (Daniel) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3824 Date Valid 1997 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2014 Date Submitted 2014-05-26 Identifier 236592025 Gender Man Nickname Daniel FirstName Daniel Charles FamilyName Thomas Birthday 1964 Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Cornell University (USA) Proceedings Transnational dynamics of human rights violation and protection Research areas Norms and change in world politics: The Helsinki Accords, human rights and the demise of communism, 1975-1990 Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1964 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 56704378 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview International relations -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3762 Titel Mohamed Abdel Rahim Mohamed Salih (Mohamed) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3762 Date Valid 1983-01-01 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 1999 Date Submitted 2011-11-23 Identifier 097197068 Gender Man Nickname Mohamed FirstName Mohamed Abdel Rahim Mohamed FamilyName Salih Birthday 1952-01-01 Place of birth Kadougli Country of birth Sudan Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority University of Manchester (UK) Proceedings The Fate of Democracy: Liberal internationalism and the Developing Countries Research areas Development and social change among the Moro Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1952-01-01 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 34556711 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Politicologie van ontwikkelingslanden -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3676 Titel Jan Sijbrand van der Meulen (Jan) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3676 Date Valid 1990 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2008 Date Submitted 2008-10-10 Identifier 068875363 Gender Man Nickname Jan FirstName Jan Sijbrand van der FamilyName Meulen Birthday 1951 Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Utrecht Proceedings n/a Research areas De verbeelding van de soldaat. Moderne oorlog en klassieke militaire cultuur Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1951 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 77715333 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Militair-maatschappelijke studies -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3640 Titel Richard Andrew Lawson (Rick) Subject Internationaal Recht Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3640 Date Valid 1999-04-28 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2001-01-01 Date Submitted n/a Identifier 125258615 Gender Man Nickname Rick FirstName Richard Andrew FamilyName Lawson Birthday 1964-07-26 Place of birth Rijswijk Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Research areas Het EVRM en de Europese Gemeenschappen – Bouwstenen voor een aansprakelijkheidsregime voor het optreden van internationale organisaties Subject area of Internationaal Recht, Politicologie Date/time 1964-07-26 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid Description n/a HR job title - Identifier 52423255 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Europees recht, in het bijzonder de bescherming van de mensenrechten -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3627 Titel Petr Kopecký Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3627 Date Valid 1999 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2011 Date Submitted 2012-05-21 Identifier 170901777 Gender Man FirstName Petr FamilyName Kopecký Birthday 1967 Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Research areas Political competition and institutionalization of parliaments : the Czech and Slovak republics Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1967 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 195725869 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Comparative studies of parties and party systems -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3624 Titel Rudolf Anton Koole (Ruud) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3624 Date Valid 1992 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2006-01-01 Date Submitted 2006-12-08 Identifier 071724419 Gender Man Nickname Ruud FirstName Rudolf Anton FamilyName Koole Birthday 1953 Place of birth Rilland-Bath Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Politiek en tegenpolitiek in de Nederlands democratie. Politici, journalisten en wetenschappers in de ban van het populisme Research areas De opkomst van de moderne kaderpartij: veranderende partijorganisatie in Nederland 1960-1990 Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1953 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 107811669 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Politicologie, i.h.b. met betrekking tot de Nederlandse politiek en haar institutionele ontwikkeling -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3584 Titel M.O. Hosli (Madeleine) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3584 Date Valid 1992 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2007 Date Submitted 2009-10-14 Identifier 161613713 Gender Vrouw Nickname Madeleine FirstName M.O. FamilyName Hosli Birthday 1961-01-06 Place of birth Zürich Country of birth Zwitserland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority St. Gallen Proceedings n/a Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1961-01-06 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 67610279 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview International relations -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3578 Titel Joseph Joannes Maria van Holsteyn (Joop) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3578 Date Valid 1994-03-24 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2005-06-01 Date Submitted 2006-06-16 Identifier 074736337 Gender Man Nickname Joop FirstName Joseph Joannes Maria van FamilyName Holsteyn Birthday 1957-09-23 Place of birth Kwintsheul Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Geniaal, maar met te korte beentjes? Over verkiezingen, kiezers en kiezersonderzoek in Nederland Research areas Het woord is aan de kiezer. Een beschouwing over verkiezingen en stemgedrag aan de hand van open vragen Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1957-09-23 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 71627535 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Kiezersonderzoek, in het bijzonder de institutionele vormgeving van electorale processen -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3401 Titel Ronald Arjen Boin (Arjen) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3401 Date Valid 1998 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2014 Date Submitted n/a Identifier 161938876 Gender Man Nickname Arjen FirstName Ronald Arjen FamilyName Boin Birthday 1968 Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Research areas Contrasts in leadership : an institutional study of two prison systems Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1968 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title - Identifier 70709705 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Publieke Instituties en Governance -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3387 Titel Ingrid Cristine van Biezen (Ingrid) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3387 Date Valid 2001 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2010 Date Submitted 2010-05-07 Identifier 17395104X Gender Vrouw Nickname Ingrid FirstName Ingrid Cristine van FamilyName Biezen Birthday 1969 Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings De maakbare partijendemocratie? Over de (grond)wettelijke regulering van politieke partijen Research areas Party organization in new democracies: Southern and Eastern Europe compared Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1969 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 59328456 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Politicologie, in het bijzonder de vergelijkende politicologie -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3371 Titel Edwin Bakker Subject Bestuurskunde Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3371 Date Valid 1997 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2010-11-01 Date Submitted 2012-03-16 Identifier 158571991 Gender Man FirstName Edwin FamilyName Bakker Birthday 1967 Assigned by Governance and Global Affairs Governing authority Groningen Proceedings Naar meer weerbaarheid en veerkracht in contraterrorismebeleid Research areas Minority conflicts in Slovakia and Hungary? Subject area of Bestuurskunde, Politicologie Date/time 1967 Department or school name within institution Governance and Global Affairs Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 63301441 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Terrorisme en Contraterrorisme -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3358 Titel Rudolf Bastiaan Andeweg (Rudy) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3358 Date Valid 1982-11-18 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 1988 Date Submitted 1989-10-06 Identifier 068959648 Gender Man Nickname Rudy FirstName Rudolf Bastiaan FamilyName Andeweg Birthday 1952-02-28 Place of birth Leiden Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Tweeërlei ministerraad : over besluitvorming in Nederlandse kabinetten Research areas Dutch Voters Adrift; on explanations of electoral change (1963-1977) Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1952-02-28 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 41933331 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Empirische en Nederlandse politicologie -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3291 Titel Robert de Wijk (Rob) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3291 Date Valid 1989-06-14 Date Available n/a 2001-02-02 Date Modified n/a 2008-02 Date Accepted 2013 1999-05-01 Date Submitted n/a 2001-02-02 Identifier 074347284 Gender Man Nickname Rob FirstName Robert de FamilyName Wijk Birthday 1954-08-14 Place of birth Dordrecht Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Governance and Global Affairs Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Tussen haalbaarheden en wenselijkheden. De strategische effectiviteit van machtsinstrumenten in de internationale betrekkingen Research areas Flexibility in response? Attempts to construct a plausible strategy for NATO, 1959-1989 Subject area of Politicologie n/a Date/time 1954-08-14 Department or school name within institution Governance and Global Affairs Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a Leerstoel vanwege de Stichting voor Strategische Studies HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 48512565 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview International Relations and Security Strategische Studies -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3239 Titel Koen Koch Subject Politicologie Date 2012-01-21 Type Promotie Identifier 3239 Date Valid 1993 Date Available n/a Date Modified 1999 Date Accepted 1994 Date Submitted n/a Identifier 073453250 Gender Man FirstName Koen FamilyName Koch Birthday 1945-06-30 Country of birth Nederland Country of death Nederland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Research areas Over staat en statenvorming Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1945-06-30 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Political and Administrative Studies of European Integration (Jean Monnet leerstoel) -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3195 Titel H.J.J. van Beinum (Hans) Subject Politicologie Identifier 3195 Date Available n/a Date Modified 1991 Date Accepted 1990 Date Submitted 1990-11-26 Identifier 069928479 Gender Man Nickname Hans FirstName H.J.J. van FamilyName Beinum Birthday 1926 Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Sociale Wetenschappen Proceedings Over participatieve democratie Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1926 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid, Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 25963477 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Psychologische, organisatorische en maatschappelijke betekenis van participatieve democratie (Cleveringa leerstoel) -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/601 Titel Harry Daudt Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 601 Date Valid 1961 Date Available 1976-09-01 Date Modified 1982-08-01 Date Accepted 1976-10-07 Date Submitted n/a Identifier 070433739 Gender Man FirstName Harry FamilyName Daudt Birthday 1925-01-12 Place of birth Amsterdam Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Amsterdam Proceedings n/a Research areas Floating voters and the floating vote : a critical analysis of American and English election studies Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1925-01-12 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid; Sociale Wetenschappen Description 1977-07-27 Herbenoemd voor het tijdvak van 1977-09-01 tot 1979-09-01. 1980-02-18 herbenoemd van 1981-09-01 tot 1982-09-01. 1982-07-02 Wijziging in besluit in: "1981-09-01 tot 1982-08-01" HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 79422026 Supplemental information Onstlag Teaching overview Politieke wetenschap -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3098 Titel K.L.K. Brants (Kees) Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 3098 Date Valid 1991 Date Available n/a Date Modified 2011-02-04 Date Accepted 2002 Date Submitted 2002-11-24 Handle 1655218 Identifier 067538630 Gender Man Nickname Kees FirstName K.L.K. FamilyName Brants Birthday 1946-02-04 Place of birth Haarlem Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Amsterdam Proceedings n/a Research areas De sociale constructie van fraude Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1946-02-04 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description Studie: Politicologie HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 25438823 Supplemental information Ontslag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Political communication sciences -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3019 Titel Peter Moray Andrew Mair (Peter) Subject Politicologie Date 2011-08-15 Type Promotie Identifier 3019 Date Valid 1987 Date Available n/a Date Modified 2005 Date Accepted 1994 Date Submitted 1994-03-11 Handle 1655028 Identifier 068450931 Gender Man Nickname Peter FirstName Peter Moray Andrew FamilyName Mair Birthday 1951-03-03 Place of birth Sligo Place of death Connemara Country of birth Ierland Country of death Ierland Assigned by Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Party democracies and their difficulties Research areas The changing Irish party system Subject area of Politicologie Date/time 1951-03-03 Department or school name within institution Sociale Wetenschappen Description Studie: History and politics HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 93766834 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Comparative politics -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/2949 Titel J.Th.J. van den Berg (Joop) Subject Politicologie Geschiedenis Geschiedenis van het Recht Type Promotie Identifier 2949 Date Valid 1983 Date Available n/a n/a Date Modified 1996-08-16 2006-10-01 Date Accepted 1989-11-01 1996-08-16 Date Submitted 1990-10-12 n/a Handle 1655041 Identifier 069618410 Gender Man Nickname Joop FirstName J.Th.J. van den FamilyName Berg Birthday 1941-04-02 Place of birth Maastricht Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Rules of law and rules of the game in Dutch politics n/a Research areas De toegang tot het Binnenhof, de maatshcappelijke herkomst van de Tweede Kamerleden, 1949-1970 Subject area of Politicologie Geschiedenis, Geschiedenis van het Recht, Politicologie Date/time 1941-04-02 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid, Sociale Wetenschappen n/a Description Studie: Rechten n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 92963764 Supplemental information n/a Emeritaat Teaching overview Dutch politics and parliamentary history Parlementaire Geschiedenis -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/552 Titel Galen Arnold Irwin Subject Politicologie Type Promotie Identifier 552 Date Valid 1967 Date Available 1978-09-01 n/a Date Modified n/a 2006-05-23 Date Accepted 1978-05-31 1979-12-20 Date Submitted 1979-06-01 n/a Identifier 06940951X Gender Man FirstName Galen Arnold FamilyName Irwin Birthday 1942-01-14 Place of birth Joplin Country of birth USA Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Sociale Wetenschappen Governing authority Florida State University Proceedings De participatie-kringloop n/a Subject area of Politicologie n/a Date/time 1942-01-14 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid; Sociale Wetenschappen Rechtsgeleerdheid ; Sociale Wetenschappen Description n/a 2006-05-23 Afscheidsrede: "Bandwagon without a band" HR job title Gewoon Lector Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 46835318 Supplemental information n/a Ontslag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Politiek gedrag, alsmede de methodologie van het politicologisch onderzoek n/a -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/516 Titel Hans Daalder Subject Politicologie Date 2016-04-04 Type Promotie Identifier 516 Date Valid 1960 Date Available 1963-09-01 n/a Date Modified n/a 1993-04 Date Accepted 1963-08-14 1968-10-31 Date Submitted 1964-03-06 n/a Identifier 068614853 Gender Man FirstName Hans FamilyName Daalder Birthday 1928-05-04 Place of birth Bergen NH Place of death Den Haag Country of birth Nederland Country of death Nederland Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Governing authority Amsterdam Proceedings Leiding en Lijdelijkheid in de Nederlandse politiek n/a Research areas Organisatie en reorganisatie van de Britse regering, 1914-1958 Subject area of Politicologie Politicologie Date/time 1928-05-04 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid n/a Description n/a Tevens Hoogleraar in de faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 66540590 Supplemental information n/a Eervol onstlag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Politieke Wetenschap Politieke Wetenschap -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/998 Titel Herman Robert van Gunsteren Subject Politicologie Geschiedenis van het Recht Type Promotie Identifier 998 Bron https://digitalcollections.universiteitleiden.nl/view/item/1655235 Date Valid 1972 Date Available 1973-05-10 n/a Date Modified n/a 2004 Date Accepted 1973-05-10 1975-08-13 Date Submitted 1974-10-25 n/a Handle 1655235 Identifier 068594534 Gender Man FirstName Herman Robert van FamilyName Gunsteren Birthday 1940-12-16 Place of birth Den Haag Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Rechtsgeleerdheid Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Denken over politieke verantwoordelijkheid n/a Research areas The quest for control : a critique of the rational-central-rule approach in public affairs Subject area of Politicologie Geschiedenis van het Recht Date/time 1940-12-16 Department or school name within institution Rechtsgeleerdheid Rechtsgeleerdheid Description n/a Tevens benoeming in de Centrale Interfaculteit HR job title Gewoon Lector Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 60194032 Supplemental information n/a Ontslag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Politieke theorieën en haar geschiedenis Politieke theorieën en hun geschiedenis. 1984-11-08 wijziging vakgebied in: De wijsbegeerte van het recht en de politieke theorieën --