Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3787 Titel Pieternella Eline Slagboom (Eline) Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 3787 Date Valid 1993-11-30 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2000-10-01 Date Submitted 2003-03-21 Identifier 112893023 Gender Vrouw Nickname Eline FirstName Pieternella Eline FamilyName Slagboom Birthday 1960-01-14 Place of birth Dordrecht Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Van het concert des levens ...' Research areas Genetic instability and aging Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1960-01-14 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 286228793 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Moleculaire epidemiologie -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3756 Titel Frits Richard Rosendaal (Frits) Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 3756 Date Valid 1989-12-12 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 1997-01-01 Date Submitted 1998-12-18 Identifier 074750364 Gender Man Nickname Frits FirstName Frits Richard FamilyName Rosendaal Birthday 1959-10-05 Place of birth Rotterdam Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Leiden Proceedings De waarheid ligt zelden in het midden Research areas Hemophilia: the best of times, the worst of times Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1959-10-05 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description NWO-Spinozapremie 2002. HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 167307911 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Klinische epidemiologie, in het bijzonder van Hemostase en Trombose -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3585 Titel Jeanne Jacobine Houwing-Duistermaat (Jeanine) Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 3585 Date Valid 1997 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2010 Date Submitted 2011-06-24 Identifier 162102372 Gender Vrouw Nickname Jeanine FirstName Jeanne Jacobine FamilyName Houwing-Duistermaat Birthday 1968-06-16 Place of birth Zwolle Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Statistiek, genetica en epidemiologie. Over de zoektocht in ons DNA naar causale varianten Research areas Statistical Methods for Family Data Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1968-06-16 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 243641682 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Genetische statistiek -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3458 Titel Peter Devilee Subject Epidemiologie Pathologie Type Promotie Identifier 3458 Date Valid 1989 Date Available n/a n/a Date Modified 2008 n/a Date Accepted 2003 2008 Date Submitted 2004-05-25 n/a Identifier 074619381 Gender Man FirstName Peter FamilyName Devilee Birthday 1959-06-18 Place of birth Rotterdam Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Is dit nog wel toeval? n/a Research areas Towards a molecular genetic understanding of human breast cancer Subject area of Epidemiologie, Pathologie Pathologie Date/time 1959-06-18 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Geneeskunde Description Leerstoel vanwege de Nijbakker Morra Stichting. n/a HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 5222818 Supplemental information n/a n/a Teaching overview Genetische epidemiologie van kanker Genetica van kanker -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3402 Titel Johanna Gerarda van der Bom (Anske) Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 3402 Date Valid 1997-04-02 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2013-12-01 Date Submitted 2015-01-23 Identifier 156918587 Gender Vrouw Nickname Anske FirstName Johanna Gerarda van der FamilyName Bom Birthday 1964-01-14 Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Rotterdam Proceedings Waar is de beste dokter? Research areas Haemostase em hart- en vaatziekten Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1964-01-14 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 284521000 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Klinische Epidemiologie, in het bijzonder transfusiegeneeskunde -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3355 Titel Ale Algra Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 3355 Date Valid 1990-03-07 Date Available n/a Date Modified n/a Date Accepted 2005-02-01 Date Submitted 2006-02-03 Identifier 07483472X Gender Man FirstName Ale FamilyName Algra Birthday 1953-07-06 Place of birth Nieuw-Amsterdam Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Rotterdam Proceedings Hoofdzaken Research areas Electrocardiographic risk factors for sudden death Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1953-07-06 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description n/a HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 291125754 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Klinische Epidemiologie van trombosebehandeling en trombosepreventie -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/2959 Titel E. Briët (Ernest) Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 2959 Date Valid 1977 Date Available 2005-03-01 Date Modified 2010-09-01 Date Accepted 2005-03-01 Date Submitted n/a Handle 1655124 Identifier 069571600 Gender Man Nickname Ernest FirstName E. FamilyName Briët Birthday 1945-08-01 Place of birth Voorst Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Leiden Proceedings n/a Research areas Three problems of hemophilia B: a study of abnormal factor IX molecules with an inhibitor neutralization assay Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1945-08-01 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description Studie: Geneeskunde HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 48206562 Supplemental information Ontslag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Epidemiology of blood transfusion -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/3111 Titel F.M. Helmerhorst (Frans) Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 3111 Date Valid 1981 Date Available n/a Date Modified 2014-11-21 Date Accepted 2005 Date Submitted 2005-03-18 Handle 1654965 Identifier 068799721 Gender Man Nickname Frans FirstName F.M. FamilyName Helmerhorst Birthday 1949-12-05 Place of birth Amsterdam Country of birth Nederland Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Amsterdam Proceedings Werking, bijwerking en de balans Research areas Detection of platelet antibodies and their clinical significance Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1949-12-05 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description Afscheidscollege op 5 juni 2015: Een balans. Studie: Geneeskunde. HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 65797855 Supplemental information Ontslag wegens emeritaat Teaching overview Klinische epidemiology van fertiliteit -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/1288 Titel Hugo Jan van der Kaay Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 1288 Date Valid 1975 Date Available 1981-01-01 Date Modified 1991-01-01 Date Accepted 1980-12-13 Date Submitted 1982-04-19 Identifier 073849774 Gender Man FirstName Hugo Jan van der FamilyName Kaay Birthday 1929-06-15 Place of birth Bindjei Country of birth Nederlands-Indië Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Leiden Proceedings Gezondheidszorg in de tropen, een 'kritieke'zorg' Research areas Malaria in Surinam : a sero-epidemiological study Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1929-06-15 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description Bijzonder Hoogleraar Geneeskunde vanwege het Leids Universiteits Fonds voor het tijdvak 1 jan. 1981 tot 1 jan. 1986. Herbenoemd voor het tijdvak van 1 jan. 1986 tot 1 jan. 1991. HR job title Bijzonder Hoogleraar Identifier 283930096 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Leer der Wereldgezondheidszorg -- Url https://hoogleraren.universiteitleiden.nl/id/2537 Titel Jan Paul Vandenbroucke Subject Epidemiologie Type Promotie Identifier 2537 Bron https://digitalcollections.universiteitleiden.nl/view/item/1655110 Date Valid 1983 Date Available 1986-11-01 Date Modified 2015 Date Accepted 1986-10-10 Date Submitted 1987-12-04 Handle 1655110 Identifier 069227187 Gender Man FirstName Jan Paul FamilyName Vandenbroucke Birthday 1950-03-08 Place of birth Leuven Country of birth België Assigned by Geneeskunde Governing authority Rotterdam Proceedings Klinische epidemiologie en de geest der hygiënisten Research areas Oral contraceptives and rheumatoid arthritis : further epidemiologic evidence for a protective effect Subject area of Epidemiologie Date/time 1950-03-08 Department or school name within institution Geneeskunde Description Afscheidscollege 'Klinische epidemiologie: een dagdroom?', 5 juni 2015. HR job title Gewoon Hoogleraar Identifier 210595922 Supplemental information n/a Teaching overview Klinische epidemiologie --